Tuesday, July 25, 2006

To heal or not to heal, that is the question. The answer apparently is No.

Hello again.

First off, I want to amend my last post by saying it is not always possible to use Blood Pacts + Main Heal at the same time. I was wrong, and I apologize to our tank last night for finding out the hard way. On the plus side, Ifrit hit for 7 damage, which was totally beneficial to the rest of the party... right?

And now for today's post: ::cues exciting fanfare::

So I'm seeking in Kazham last week, and I get an invite to replace a RDM as main healer for a party in Yhoator (excuse my spelling, these names suck w/o auto-translator). I was less than excited because if I was replacing a red mage as main healer, that meant there was no other healer, and frankly, I don't want that kind of responsibility. Nevertheless, I took the offer, because seeking sucks, and two asshats in town were arguing about whose RSE looked cooler, despite the fact that neither of them had seen anything other than Hume and Elvaan. Although I found it almost impossible to tear myself away from that conversation, I somehow managed to hop on a chocobo and off I went.

A few min later I arrived at the party and the RDM took her leave. I hop off my chocobo and patiently wait for my invite.

Minutes pass, and no one said a word. The only sounds were of a helpless mandy getting annhilated by a nearby party.

Finally, I decide to break the silence:

Pasquale: {Um.} {Party} {Can I have it?}
Party Leader: No no I don't want SMN be main healer.

I sat there shocked for a minute, not really knowing what to say. That's like racism, kinda, although much less offensive I guess, so then no, not really like racism at all. Ignore that last sentence. I then attempt to change his mind.

Pasquale: Are you sure? I can heal. I have Cure II and everything.
::long pause::
Party Leader: Yes I sure, summoner suck at main healing. I get BRD on his way.
Pasquale: Your grammar is truly inspiring. Good luck.

A Bard as main healer. Eww. No offense bards, but seriously, you have more important things to be doing then casting Cure on a tank who forgets his shadows. I quietly sit in the corner and put my flag back up, waiting for a new invite. I get a bowl of popcorn ready to watch this bard, who had no gear, attempt to main heal.

They decide to start big and pull a goblin. Within minutes the whole party wiped. I won't lie to you, I was giggling like a school girl.

Seconds later, I get aggro'd by the goblin who had snuck up behind me. Two hits later, I was lying dead, in a heap with the rest of the party I had just gleefully watched end.

The moral of the story is never let a bard - no screw that. The moral of the story is I fucking hate goblins.

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