I spent my first two days back leveling my WAR. Neville with his 12 blm and me with my 12 war set out to Ghelsba Outpost to kill mass quantities of Orcs, who up until this weekend, I didn't really have a problem with.
After about an hour of merciless Orc-slaughter, Nev and I had both leveled. When I finally hit 13 (huge achievement, I know), I put on my new great sword. As if it were cursed, the great sword led me to a quick and painful death, followed by a delevel.
I haul ass back to where we were fighting and we start up again. I leveled in a few fights and once again equipped the cursed great sword. Sure enough, I was dead within two fights, causing me to delevel again.
Neville and I worked quickly to, once again, get me to level 13 and decided to call it quits because we both had to log. For some unknown reason, I equipped the great sword before I left the game. (I'm lying, the reason was because I look so damn cool with it on.)
Fast forward to the next day. ::Fast forward sounds::
I logged in yesterday and found my self on the business end of an Orc's spear. I smashed my Mighty Strikes macro and made quick work of the monster trying to end me. After this near death experience, I unequipped the great sword, because all doubt that it was cursed had left my mind.
While unequipping, three of the dead Orc's friends decided to come along and avenge their fallen comrade. I leapt into battle, hoping to at least take out one or two of them.
This probably could have been achieved had I equipped a weapon. After getting mauled mid-change, I got distracted and wasn't paying attention. Unfortunately, my little taru fists were no match for three giant stupid Jorcs (Jerk + orcs, oh yeah baby, I'm back) and I quickly died and deleveled, for a remarkable third time in two days.
Needing to shake the feeling of failure from my shoulders, I decided to switch to SMN and help out my linkshell with a Beadeaux Coffer. I figured we'd kill things for an hour and get it done, while having a good time and helping me get used to this new-fangled Dual Blood-Pact system for Summoners (which I friggin love).
Two and a half hours of battling Quadavs later and there was still no key drop. We were getting tired of killing these Jerk-davs (the hits don't stop coming). Morale was obviously dropping, but we pressed on, determined to get the drop. At around the three hour mark, my usual bad luck finally caught up with me.

After we got out raises, I had to log. It took a total of five hours to get that coffer, and I'm pretty sure I speak for the whole group when I say Beadeaux is for jerks.
Earlier this weekend I was also in a party where the WAR and NIN got into a fight about who should be the tank, and a MNK who subbed THF, because of Gilfinder. It's good to be back.
stop hitting on the passed out chicks! gosh ;)
As I said yesterday, welcome back! Come duo bombs with me sometime!
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