I promised one last post. Here it is, Pasquale's last adventure.
Day One:
I logged in, forgetting that I had logged out in Garliage, trying to get my BLM hands done. As soon as I logged in, I found myself being raped by this giant black ooze thing, that was apparently guarding the door.
After being immediatly killed, I HP back to Jeuno. I didn't really mind, it's not like I need the exp anyways. (side note - I broke my record for time logged in before death. Things were still loading on the damn screen.)
I was planning on selling my things and sending gil to my friends in-game, sort of a 'thanks for being awesome, have some gil' thing. I ran to my MH to see if everything had sold.
When I got into my Mog House, I was greeted with a full delivery box. Unfortunatly it was full of items, and not gil. It's going to stay full now, because I am too lazy to try again. Sorry, I'm the worst friend ever. (side note - Honestly, It woulda been like 75k a piece, I'm hella broke.)
I switched to SMN and headed to catch the boat to Windurst one last time. As if the capt was waiting for me, the boat departed as soon as I touched the dock, thus causing me to wait for nine minutes. (side note - Damn you SE. Every fucking time...)
Nine minutes of waiting and three minutes of sailing later, I was ready for my final fight. I ran to my MH to take some screenshots of my sweet decorating abilities (I'm at work, I'll post those later) and headed to Saruta, to hunt my white whale.
For three hours I stick around his spawn area and commit heinous acts of crawlercide, hoping to lure him from hiding.
No such luck. It was as if he knew I was coming for him. Eventually, I got tired of waiting and I logged, angry and angry.
Day Two:
I log in and the first thing I see is a giant crawler head covering my screen. Could the son of a bitch have been waiting for me to return?
No. No he wasn't. It ended up being a regular crawler. I made him pay for getting my hopes up by 2-houring his {too weak} ass. Satisfaction guarenteed.
I sat to rest, when the real deal spawned behind me.
Pasquale -vs- Spiny Spipi; Round 11
I started to summon carbuncle, but I decided I wanted to kill this beast one-on-one. I took off my staff, and went into unarmed combat with the king of monsters.
The battle was intense.
Pasquale hits Spiny Spipi for 4 points of damage
Spiny Spipi hits Pasquale for 1 point of damage
Pasquale hits Spiny Spipi
Critical! Spiny Spipi takes 6 points of damage
I believe the word you're looking for is 'epic.'
Sooner or later (later. much later.) my TP hits 100%. I decided to put my staff back on and finish the job with one of my lame, low skill level staff weapon skills.
I forgot that switching weapons erases TP, and was left with nothing. (Give me a break, I'm all mage. I think I've used a WS'd maybe six times ever.)
Before I could see what was happenning, my staff has practically brought Spiny to his furry little knees.
I turned around so I wouldn't finish him. The kill shot had to be perfect.
I waited for his incredibly weak hits to fill up my TP. This took around 15 minutes.
1 man.
1 mob.
100% tp.
I spun in a blaze of glory and struck Spiny as hard as my Tarutaru arms could strike. After the dust settled, and the animation for my WS went away, I stood triumphantly over my fallen nemesis.
My heart stopped as I waited for the drops...
Pasquale obtains a Silk Thread.
Well played Spiny, well played.
Thanks to everyone who read my blog, and thanks to my friend's in-game for making me want to play as long as I did. It's been awesome. Check out my website (www.superawsomecarnivalbears.net) if you wanted to read some other things I write.
Thanks again,
Pasquale (Jason)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The beginning of the end.
Hey all,
I've been thinking a lot about the game and I've decided to quit.
Lately the game has felt more like something I have to do, and not something I want to do.
I've been stuck at 58 for two weeks, and I have no motivation to keep going. I've found that I spend most of my free time in-game, and I really don't do anything else.
Thanks for reading my little blog. The comments and /tells always made my day, and I have made a few new friends because of it.
If you're interested, I write a blog/webcomic at www.superawesomecarnivalbears.net. I also write the Jason vs... section, which is going to get updated more often because of my new found free time.
I realize this is a shitty way to end the blog, so I am going to have one more post either Wednesday or Thursday. There is still one more thing I have to do before I quit...
I've been thinking a lot about the game and I've decided to quit.
Lately the game has felt more like something I have to do, and not something I want to do.
I've been stuck at 58 for two weeks, and I have no motivation to keep going. I've found that I spend most of my free time in-game, and I really don't do anything else.
Thanks for reading my little blog. The comments and /tells always made my day, and I have made a few new friends because of it.
If you're interested, I write a blog/webcomic at www.superawesomecarnivalbears.net. I also write the Jason vs... section, which is going to get updated more often because of my new found free time.
I realize this is a shitty way to end the blog, so I am going to have one more post either Wednesday or Thursday. There is still one more thing I have to do before I quit...
Monday, October 09, 2006
Full of murderous rage.
There are not enough words in the English language to describe how much I hate Garliage Citadel. I could sit here and type word after word of how angry I am, but that'd be a waste of time. Everyone knows its the worst place in-game.
Ok, maybe just a few words.
Fuck you SE you $^$ jerks. Good fucking plan putting doors throughout the place, making it completely unaccessible to anyone, unless there are people there. (Strange how I couldn't type 'Fuck' twice in that sentence. I'm retarted.)
This is a screen shot of a giant pot thing, that aggro'd me, while I was trying to Raise someone. Needless to say, it ended me, and I was stuck there for a while til I got a raise for myself.
The reason I'm so angry, is that the only reason I'm there is to get my BLM af hands, so I can get my SMN af hands. I made the mistake of flagging my BLM hands, thus totally boning me.
Ok, that's enough of that.
In other news, seeking blows.
You know when you've been seeking for like two hours, and you finally get an invite? It's a good feeling. Finally you can accomplish something. You peel the cobwebs off your mouse and click "Accept."
Then, at the peak of your excitement, you find out there is only one other person in your party.
"It's ok," you think, "it should be full soon enough."
That's the thought that keeps you warm, and prevents your breakdown. That warm feeling helps when you are waiting 20+ minutes for the party to fill up. Each invite sent makes you smile a little bit.
>> Dude, sorry. It doesn't look like we're going to be able to party.
And that's the thought that crushes your dreams. Your dreams of finally hitting 59 (What? I aim low, as to prevent further disappointment.) That's when you realize not only have you wasted 2 hours seeking, but now you've also spent 30 minutes filling yourself with hope, and having your hope torn away, in a flash of purple letters.
After that happens, you think to yourself "Hmm. Maybe I'll try to get that coffer done."
Ok, maybe just a few words.
Fuck you SE you $^$ jerks. Good fucking plan putting doors throughout the place, making it completely unaccessible to anyone, unless there are people there. (Strange how I couldn't type 'Fuck' twice in that sentence. I'm retarted.)

The reason I'm so angry, is that the only reason I'm there is to get my BLM af hands, so I can get my SMN af hands. I made the mistake of flagging my BLM hands, thus totally boning me.
Ok, that's enough of that.
In other news, seeking blows.
You know when you've been seeking for like two hours, and you finally get an invite? It's a good feeling. Finally you can accomplish something. You peel the cobwebs off your mouse and click "Accept."
Then, at the peak of your excitement, you find out there is only one other person in your party.
"It's ok," you think, "it should be full soon enough."
That's the thought that keeps you warm, and prevents your breakdown. That warm feeling helps when you are waiting 20+ minutes for the party to fill up. Each invite sent makes you smile a little bit.
>> Dude, sorry. It doesn't look like we're going to be able to party.
And that's the thought that crushes your dreams. Your dreams of finally hitting 59 (What? I aim low, as to prevent further disappointment.) That's when you realize not only have you wasted 2 hours seeking, but now you've also spent 30 minutes filling yourself with hope, and having your hope torn away, in a flash of purple letters.
After that happens, you think to yourself "Hmm. Maybe I'll try to get that coffer done."
Friday, October 06, 2006
Livin' the dream.
Hey all,
I felt a lot better after posting yesterday. I think I just needed to rant a little. I had some time to play yesterday, and now I have a real update for today.
Yesterday, I was seeking in Whitegate. That's neither new or exciting, everyone does that every day. While seeking, I killed time by talking to someone about our mutual hatred for Goblins, and to a SMN about Diabolos. In the middle of our conversations, I get a /tell, and my night began.
>> {Party} {Do you need it?}
I reply with a polite 'yes, thanks' and I'm on my way to meet them at the AH. Normally, after I accept an invite, I get a /tell stating that I had to be Main Heal. This time was a little different.
>> Hey, is it cool if you DD? we already have a WHM.
Never if my tenure (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for) as a smn have I been asked
that question. This was every summoner's dream.
I replied yes, (I went a little crazy with the exclamation points, I'm so very lame) and we headed to Gustav.
On the way, I started thinking what Blood Pacts I was going to use. Currently, Meteorite was the most consistent, but Double Slap did more damage, when it hit.
I decided to open with Double Slap and go from there. Our RNG pulls a goblin, who is followed to our camp by his close friend, another goblin.
20 minutes later, our party is triumphant, although battered and broken. Our poor whm lay dead in a corner, and no one had any MP left. Bad start, but it was cool, we were going to keep going.
Finally our RNG pulls just one gob and the fun begins. The BLM uses Bio II, and I used Double Slap.
Shiva uses Double Slap
Goblin takes 16 points of damage
It turns out I'm a horrible DD. I found myself wishing the whm would leave, so I could take over as main heal, where I'd feel considerably less useless.
Shake it off man, shake it off. A minute is up, and it's time for something new.
Carbuncle uses Meteorite
Goblin takes 120 points of damage
At this rate, the Goblin will be dead next week.
Eight years pass, and the goblin is finally dead. There was little rejoicing. The next gob went considerably better, although still not great.
Carbuncle uses Meteorite
Goblin takes 360 points of damage
As if fearing the beating he would get from me when we got back to our Mog House, Carbuncle stepped it up and delivered for the rest of the night. I put my rolled up newspaper away and let him do his thing.
I was so close to hitting 59, that I let myself get excited. As soon as the 'giddy' hit, my party disbanded, leaving me so very alone, and so very angry.
Feeling totally jived, I went to level BeastMaster for a little while.
I am so bad at BST, that I could make even the proudest BST embarrassed for his job, as they saw me failing charms and running or crying.
Sometimes both.
Usually both.
I felt a lot better after posting yesterday. I think I just needed to rant a little. I had some time to play yesterday, and now I have a real update for today.
Yesterday, I was seeking in Whitegate. That's neither new or exciting, everyone does that every day. While seeking, I killed time by talking to someone about our mutual hatred for Goblins, and to a SMN about Diabolos. In the middle of our conversations, I get a /tell, and my night began.
>> {Party} {Do you need it?}
I reply with a polite 'yes, thanks' and I'm on my way to meet them at the AH. Normally, after I accept an invite, I get a /tell stating that I had to be Main Heal. This time was a little different.
>> Hey, is it cool if you DD? we already have a WHM.
Never if my tenure (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for) as a smn have I been asked

I replied yes, (I went a little crazy with the exclamation points, I'm so very lame) and we headed to Gustav.
On the way, I started thinking what Blood Pacts I was going to use. Currently, Meteorite was the most consistent, but Double Slap did more damage, when it hit.
I decided to open with Double Slap and go from there. Our RNG pulls a goblin, who is followed to our camp by his close friend, another goblin.
20 minutes later, our party is triumphant, although battered and broken. Our poor whm lay dead in a corner, and no one had any MP left. Bad start, but it was cool, we were going to keep going.
Finally our RNG pulls just one gob and the fun begins. The BLM uses Bio II, and I used Double Slap.
Shiva uses Double Slap
Goblin takes 16 points of damage
It turns out I'm a horrible DD. I found myself wishing the whm would leave, so I could take over as main heal, where I'd feel considerably less useless.
Shake it off man, shake it off. A minute is up, and it's time for something new.
Carbuncle uses Meteorite
Goblin takes 120 points of damage
At this rate, the Goblin will be dead next week.
Eight years pass, and the goblin is finally dead. There was little rejoicing. The next gob went considerably better, although still not great.
Carbuncle uses Meteorite
Goblin takes 360 points of damage

I was so close to hitting 59, that I let myself get excited. As soon as the 'giddy' hit, my party disbanded, leaving me so very alone, and so very angry.
Feeling totally jived, I went to level BeastMaster for a little while.
I am so bad at BST, that I could make even the proudest BST embarrassed for his job, as they saw me failing charms and running or crying.
Sometimes both.
Usually both.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Hey all,
As you may have noticed, there has been some serious not-updating going on. I'm sorry 'bout that, and come Monday, things should be back to normal.
There is some shit going down at my place of employment, involving a takeover of the hostile variety, and apparently its bugging me more than I thought. Everyone here is very 'worst case scenario' about the whole thing and its starting to get to me. I guess the guy whose trying to buy us out is total prick, and has a habit of slimming down his companies, which would mean our hero would become very unemployed, very quickly.
Anyways, all this stress and extra work has given me little time to play, thus giving me little to update with.
I plan on spending a nice sized chunk of this weekend hitting 60 with my smn. I'll see you all Monday, with a new update.
Thanks for reading.
As you may have noticed, there has been some serious not-updating going on. I'm sorry 'bout that, and come Monday, things should be back to normal.
There is some shit going down at my place of employment, involving a takeover of the hostile variety, and apparently its bugging me more than I thought. Everyone here is very 'worst case scenario' about the whole thing and its starting to get to me. I guess the guy whose trying to buy us out is total prick, and has a habit of slimming down his companies, which would mean our hero would become very unemployed, very quickly.
Anyways, all this stress and extra work has given me little time to play, thus giving me little to update with.
I plan on spending a nice sized chunk of this weekend hitting 60 with my smn. I'll see you all Monday, with a new update.
Thanks for reading.
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