I felt a lot better after posting yesterday. I think I just needed to rant a little. I had some time to play yesterday, and now I have a real update for today.
Yesterday, I was seeking in Whitegate. That's neither new or exciting, everyone does that every day. While seeking, I killed time by talking to someone about our mutual hatred for Goblins, and to a SMN about Diabolos. In the middle of our conversations, I get a /tell, and my night began.
>> {Party} {Do you need it?}
I reply with a polite 'yes, thanks' and I'm on my way to meet them at the AH. Normally, after I accept an invite, I get a /tell stating that I had to be Main Heal. This time was a little different.
>> Hey, is it cool if you DD? we already have a WHM.
Never if my tenure (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for) as a smn have I been asked

I replied yes, (I went a little crazy with the exclamation points, I'm so very lame) and we headed to Gustav.
On the way, I started thinking what Blood Pacts I was going to use. Currently, Meteorite was the most consistent, but Double Slap did more damage, when it hit.
I decided to open with Double Slap and go from there. Our RNG pulls a goblin, who is followed to our camp by his close friend, another goblin.
20 minutes later, our party is triumphant, although battered and broken. Our poor whm lay dead in a corner, and no one had any MP left. Bad start, but it was cool, we were going to keep going.
Finally our RNG pulls just one gob and the fun begins. The BLM uses Bio II, and I used Double Slap.
Shiva uses Double Slap
Goblin takes 16 points of damage
It turns out I'm a horrible DD. I found myself wishing the whm would leave, so I could take over as main heal, where I'd feel considerably less useless.
Shake it off man, shake it off. A minute is up, and it's time for something new.
Carbuncle uses Meteorite
Goblin takes 120 points of damage
At this rate, the Goblin will be dead next week.
Eight years pass, and the goblin is finally dead. There was little rejoicing. The next gob went considerably better, although still not great.
Carbuncle uses Meteorite
Goblin takes 360 points of damage

I was so close to hitting 59, that I let myself get excited. As soon as the 'giddy' hit, my party disbanded, leaving me so very alone, and so very angry.
Feeling totally jived, I went to level BeastMaster for a little while.
I am so bad at BST, that I could make even the proudest BST embarrassed for his job, as they saw me failing charms and running or crying.
Sometimes both.
Usually both.
1 comment:
Haha. Don't trust anyone who asks you to DD in those lower level parties. I find I can't consistently do enough damage to be worthwhile.
In terms of LFP on SMN, it's always best if you actually make the party yourself, because then you can choose what jobs you want, plus you get a party faster then seeking.
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