Back in September, I made a post called 'Little bit of...' and used it as sort of a dumping ground for a few things I had mulling around in my head. Today's post is gonna be the same thing, hence the 'Part 2.'
Bonecrafting.This past week I decided to use my newly acquired wealth to level a craft. I chose Bonecraft for two reasons. First off, Neville needs some arrowhead something crafted if I ever get my skill to 50, so I already know my craft will be useful
eventually. Secondly, no matter how boring Bonecrafting gets, every time the little message that tells me my Bonecrafting skill has gone up, I giggle, because it says 'Bone.' (Mmmm... Jr High maturity at its finest. I suck at being twenty-two years old.)
Despite it's hilarious name, Bonecrafting has been less than good to me. I bought stacks of mats and crystals, and despite getting Advanced Synth. Support, I still seem to fail at almost every attempt. I've tried everything to make it better. I've changed directions, waited out new moon phases, surrounded myself with mithra (hot), surrounded myself with galka (unpleasant), and even whispered sweet nothings to each crystal before synthing with them. I honestly think that last one helped a little.
In the past, it was very rare for me to accomplish more than one quest/mission a week, because I'm just so lazy. Because of this, I am very behind on everything. This week was very different.
This week, I managed to finish my Promys, and take CoP to 2-3. I wanted to keep going but Neville informed me that I, in fact, could
not take the 2-3 Minotaur alone. While exploring inside Tazmanian Devil, I also managed to do a map quest, providing me with... a map. (I am a wizard with words. /sigh)
But that's not all, I am now the proud owner of a Olduum Ring, which, even though I can't use it yet, is still pretty sweet. And I also managed to finally turn in G3. That's like five quests/missions in one week, which is huge for me.
Operation Human Shield.Leader>> Party?
Pasquale>> Sweet god yes^^ I had only been seeking for 20 minutes, and I was obviously too excited to get an invite so soon. No worries, my hopes were dashed seconds later.
Leader>> Ooooh, sorry man, party wants to go with WHM.I was a little upset, but I understand. I wouldn't want me healing me either. A few minutes later, I get a /tell from the same leader, and I thought my luck was beginning to change.
Leader>> Changed our mind, you still want in?My heart sang with joy as I gladly accepted the party invite. Much to my surprise we were actually almost full, and not one of those parties that consists of myself and someone looking to snag the only available healer.
(Leader) Out tank d/c, so we need a new one.After 20 minutes of searching, all hope was lost and we disbanded. There was to be no experience for our hero.
Seriously, you guys need to start leveling Tank jobs. I have a legitimate allergy to pain, so I can't do it, otherwise I totally would.
} {Shield
} {Can I have it?
} {Yes,please.
}When bad jokes go bad...der.I'm not gonna lie, I hate farming. Whenever I find myself low on gil, I would grind a low level job and use my beastman seals in an attempt to rake in more cash. Sometimes this plan works, sometimes I get murdered by three pugils spitting water all over me. Usually I get murdered by three pugils spitting water on me.
My brothers quit a few months ago, and I decided last week to reactivate one of their accounts to see if they had anything I needed on them. Upon logging in, I checked the gil and my jaw hit the ground. I fired up a second Windower and traded myself all the gil and expensive equipment. (Is graverobbing your brother's character bad? I vote yes, but I'm petty and lazy, so I won't lose much sleep over it.)
Upon logging back into Pasquale, I was getting antsy to spend money. Minutes later, the logic center of my brain shut off, and away my money went.
I don't remember what my cousin and I were arguing about, but I do remember purchasing a Royal Cloak to rub it in his face. A 4.5 million gil burn. I was satisfied. It feels good being a horrible person.
After the awesomensess of my 'rubbing in' had settled, I threw the cloak in the AH and patiently awaited my 4.5 million to be returned to me.
A few days later, my Royal Cloak was returned instead. I tried to sell it again, but was met with no success.
So now I'm wearing it while I level SMN. My newfound wealth viciously cut down in its prime, because I have a horrible sense of humor. Every time I look at it I think two things: 'Man, I'm an idiot,' and 'Man, I look fucking awesome.'
Giving back. Last night I helped some people in my LS and a few others with their Carbuncle Mitts. I remember how grateful I was to get help when I got mine, so I wanted to return the favor. I logged into the Temple and headed to meet my LS mates. I threw up Invis and Sneak and off I went.
I ran into a door, and had to take Invis off. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with an angry Torama. I tried to run back, but the door had closed. By the time I had gotten it open, the Torama had managed to eat half of my face.
While running/crying towards the zone, an Opo-opo aggro'd me. Just before I made it out, the little bastard murdered me. (And to think I once used the word 'adorable' to describe them.)
After being raised and escorted (I seriously can't do anything by myself) to where we were going, we started killing the NM for the mitts. We did it three times, and all three times we kicked its ass. Congrats to our new Carbuncle Mitts owners!
This weekend I am going to learn how to solo bombs. I've got a bad feeling about this. See you in-game.