Sorry for the lack of posting, I was in Las Vegas for a few days throwing all my money away. But I'm back, so here is today's post.
For starters, is there anything more annoying than this?

So shortly after my last post, I decided I hated Beastmaster. I know I was all 'woo Beastmaster,' but clearly I'm just a huge liar. My next BST attempt had me with four deaths, all of which had me going back to my HomePoint and walking back, which I hate. See you in hell, Beastmaster.
Out of the ashes of my Beastmaster came my Blue Mage, who up until yesterday I hated also. My biggest problem with this job was learning the enemy skills. I decided to give it another try, even though it meant Dunes leveling.
I hit level 12 and decided to leave the comfort of Windurst for the bitter coldness of Sandy, so I could learn Queasyshroom, Battle Dance, and Power Attack. (I also wanted Sand Spin, but apparently worms hate using that weapon skill.)
This of course meant a lot of waiting...

And waiting...

Sometimes, I would forget to stop hitting the mobs, and they would die before using any abilities. I hate when that happens.

I headed to the Dunes hoping to get some levels in so I could leave as soon as possible. I was only seeing for two minutes when I got an invite. I excitedly accepted and while on my way to the party, I decided to check the group out.

Yeah. WHM/MNK. Right there I knew I was in for a good time. (Granted, after my BLM/PLD experience a few months ago, nothing really shocks me anymore.) When I got to the party, I found out it was even worse than I thought.

When I got there, one of our members was dead, and the group was arguing about Benediction. I casually asked the whm/mnk why he didn't have any gear on.
Pasquale: Hey, (name of whm/mnk), why no gear?
Whm/mnk: I'm lvlin' my magin.
Pasquale: ...?
Right here he left the party because of my party members giving him shit about Benediction and my apparent newbness because I didn't know what 'magin' was.
It took some rebuilding, but I managed to get two levels last night, which takes me two levels closer to leaving the dunes for good. (At least until I switch jobs again.)
I hate the dunes.
Hmm... I, too, need to level my magin'.
loldunes... Maze of Shakrami FTW. And whoever the leader of that party was... yeah he should have been slapped for not booting that guy immediately, whether or not he was the only whm seeking.
erm... I miss you too?
Hey Pasquale, I was Dramaking in that party (And eventually the DRG that power leveled you). I didn't have the heart to stay on my mnk there, hopefully you gained a level through my short PL stay.
Bunches you say? That's quite a bit of missing.
Hello Pasquale! Yes I frequently see people like this around. Guess what. 90% of the time, they are RMT pawns. Early indications are the names or usually /anon. If not that then really low and cheap equipment (I've seen Lv.1 RSE on Lv.30s). I'm always policing areas on my travels for RMT trash and submitting them to the death pool via friends on the inside. I get a tingly warm feeling knowing they will be diced soon in the future because I had spotted them.
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