Wednesday, January 03, 2007


So, despite my general dislike for all things Promyvion, I decided to join my LS in a series of Promy runs to take place on Saturday. These things don't always end in happiness and high-fives, but I need to get them done eventually, and the sooner I finish it, the sooner I can swear off all things CoP.

I logged in today to do a little farming, as I needed some animas for when we got to the bosses of each crag. (Funny story, I actually had them all in Storage, but recently dropped them because I needed the space to hold my new Christmas festival items. I pretty much hate myself.)

When I logged in, I was still by the Mission 5-1 burning circle, which meant a lot of travel to get home. After checking to see if I'd delevel, I bloodported home, as I am way to lazy to do any actual walking. After I grabbed up some gear for the lvl 30 cap, I headed to Dem to start farming.

I get in, and right away spot a Wanderer sitting by himself, waiting to be destroyed. Ifrit and I made quick work of him, but nothing dropped. Determined to get my animas, I targeted another Wanderer and began another battle.

While Ifrit and I were fighting Wanderer 'A,' there were two other Wanderers slowly making their way over. It was as if they had decided to aid their weakened friend.

Wanderer B: Hey, it looks like 'A' needs some help.
Wanderer C:
Yeah, we should head out, whose fighting him?
Wanderer B: Looks like a lone SMN, with some pretty lousy gear.
Wanderer C:
I'ma make him bleed.

Within seconds, I had three Wanderers wailing on me, and needless to say, Ifrit did not last long. While he was fighting them, I did the noble thing and ran like a little girl.

I approached what I thought was the exit, but when I stepped on it, nothing happened. This was the result:
Of course I didn't have Reraise up, so I had to run all they way back and try again. After killing a few more, I finally got the Pain Recollection. I kept fighting for a little while to try to score at least one more Recollection. It wasn't a total waste of time, however, there were some good things.

For starters, I was getting killer exp, which helped make up the tons of exp I lost having died twice already.

Sometimes, I got exp and an item. I don't know what a 'remnant of a malevolent memory' is, but I'm sure it will sell for millions when I take it to the AH. Totally banking right now.

And who doesn't love skill-ups? Communists, that's who. Although it made me kinda sad that I was getting skill-ups, because it reminded me that my Club skill was embarrassingly low.

After an hour of killing and no luck with another Recollection, I decided to kill one more guy and then leave.

In the past, whenever I decided to 'go for one more,' it usually ended with my own death.

This time was no different.

The arrow on the right shows our health just before I bite it. You'll note I have considerably more than him, but still manage to die a horrible death. The arrow on the left shows the numbers of the massive damage I was dealing to him with my club, after I had run out of MP and Ifrit had to go away. (Click for larger image.) (I think.)

I seriously suck at fighting everything. Seriously.

(Sorry this update was so late, I was internet-less for two weeks, then it was all woo-holidays. Back to usual schedule next week.)

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