As the title would suggest, today's discussion is about hate and how much I hate (note to self, get thesaurus) getting hate (note to self, read previous note).

I honestly have no problem Main Healing when I'm in a party. If it means I'll get exp then I'll do almost anything. I do, however, have a problem with getting pecked to death by birds furious that I stole their Fuit Loops - The Lesser Colibri.
Everyone loves these things because they usually go down quick and they give great exp, which is why the party I joined decided to fight them for a while, hopefully hitting levels 54 and 55 in the process.
That's all well and good, but for some reason our NIN could not keep hate last night, which caused me to suffer immensely. The hate was bouncing from the NIN to the RNG to the MNK like crazy, causing me to Cure II everyone, causing the Colibri to hate me, leading to my inevitable beak-stabbing.
As a Taru SMN, I have about 400hp at my level. After the first hit blew through Stoneskin, I knew I was boned.
Lesser Colibri hits Pasquale
Pasquale takes 24 points of damage. <----- Stoneskin wears
Lesser Colibri hits Pasquale
Pasquale takes 180 points of damage.
Lesser Colibri hits Pasquale again, this time with gusto.
The Lesser Colibri scores a critical hit!
Pasquale takes a million points of damage.
Finally someone vokes, and i have 14 hp left. I wanted to heal myself, but I was afraid of the Colibri coming back to finish the job, so I sat there and waited until it was over.
10 minutes later. What can I say, it was a slow night.
The moral of the story is to stop sucking and learn to keep hate. I couldn't even drop a Cure II without getting mauled by Toucan Sam.
1 comment:
After I wrote this update, i changed formats and lost the Banner I'm talking abotu in the first sentence. Trust me, it was awesome.
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