I can tell you right now why I don't solo. I'm lazy. And scared. ...Aaand scared. I tried soloing once, two weeks ago, and it was most disastrous.
::flashback music::
After seeking for two hours (grumble) I decided to try to give soloing a chance. I was just high enough to get free Carbuncle, and figured it would be a good way to earn exp while waiting for an invite.
I headed over to Garliage Citadel to fight some bomb type mobs. I had never solo'd like this before, but I had read a guide online on how to do it. (Lies. Replace 'read' with 'thought about looking up.')
I didn't think it would be very difficult:

1 - Summon Carbuncle
2 - Make Carby fight Bomb
3 - Run away
4 - Bomb blows up
5 - Bathe in a tub of experience points
In reality, it was more like this:
1 - Get aggro
2 - Hastily summon Carbuncle
3 - Fail
4 - Summon Light Spirit
5 - Run to zone, crying the whole way there
6 - Repeat three fucking times.
After finally getting the hang of it, I was able to get to a safe spot, and begin my soloing adventure.
I sent Carbuncle in to attack a Bomb, and I sat back and watched. Carbuncle eventually died, and I sent in another one.
Blah blah, this happened until the Bomb-thing Self-Destructed. For some reason it didn't occur to me that I may have been too close for comfort.
Bomb-thing uses Self-Destruct
Carbuncle takes a lot of damage
Pasquale also takes a lot of damage
I'm not gonna lie to you, that killed me. Luckily I had reraise on. Unluckily, I did not see the beetle behind me.
I think you know what happened next.
Pasquale starts casting Cure II
Beetle sneaks up behind Pasquale
Beetle uses Spawn-Kill
Beetle defeats Pasquale, and walks away, triumphantly
Argh. After someone in my ls found me a raise, I was determined to succeed at least once before logging and killing myself.

My celebration was cut short when I got aggro'd by that same fucking beetle, who had been waiting in the shadows for me to put my guard down.
Needless to say, I didn't make it.
I changed my Search Comment to reflect my newer, higher 'tnl' and went looking for another bomb.
After sending Carby in and waiting a few min, I was worried something was wrong. Normally I would have recast Carbuncle by now, and have moved to a new spot. Foolishly, I decided to 'take a peek' around the corner to see what was happening.
Just as I got there, Carby died, and the very much undamaged Bomb was charging for me.
I throw up a Light Spirit to hold hate and I make a bolt for the stairs, hoping to somehow make it to the zone.
As I approched the stairway to heaven, I was met with a familiar face.
That same fucking beetle.
I already had very little HP left, from the Bomb's first assault on my face, so the beetle made short work of me.
After going back to my HomePoint, I decided to log. I had spent the night losing more exp than I could count, and just wanted to go to bed.
Pasquale will logout in 20 seconds
Pasquale will logout in 15 seconds
Pasquale will logout in 10 seconds
Pasquale will logout in 5 seconds
Player>> {Party} {Do you need it?}
1 comment:
Hi i'm Canitoch lol
anyhoo soloing is pretty easy..you just kinda failed at it D:
A good place to solo is at Ifrit's Cauldren, in the 2nd entrance. Heres what you do.
1. Summon carby and have him attack the bomb.
2. Run far away to the point you cant see how much health Carby has, then wait until it disapears.
3. When it disapears, resummon carby quickly. Once he pops, Carby will automatically attack the bomb.
then repeat by running far away.
Oh, don't cast spells like stoneskin or protect when carby is engaged, do this BEFORE you even start cause you will get hate.
I made this mistake and die. D:
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