I decided to start with the Mamool Ja Staging Point. No real reason, I just figured I had to start somewhere.
After calling Shadow Wing, and practically crawling through Wajaom, I was excited to be in Mamook. The Mamool look really cool, despite the fact that I would be one-shotted, should I decide to start some shit.
After walking around the area for a while, I came upon some Visquous Liquid. (I butchered that one, I know.)
{Hmm.} A strange thing in an unfamiliar zone full of mobs that could eat me in one bite. Sounds good to me.
I flinched, as I expected instant death, but was pleasently suprised when I re-opened my eyes:

I ran around, disguised as a rejected Ninja Turtle, for a little while, until I accidently clicked it off.
...Accidently clicked it off while I was surrounded by these huge Rhino/Elephant things. Needless to say, all kinds of death immediatly followed.
Death Count: 1
Luckily I had Reraise up.
Oh wait...
As soon as I foolishly Reraised myself, my soul was immediatly re-sent to hell.
Death Count: 2
I home-pointed back to Whitegate, picked up a map, and headed out, determined to succeed this time. Once again I called Shadow Wing, and off I went.
Armed with a map, I was able to get a little farther in. Then Invis started to wear.
I ducked in a corner and began re-casting Invisible on myself. Unfortunatly, I didn't look both ways.
Death Count: 3 (morale dropping)
Good news for me though, Reraise was up again.
Death Count: 4
Back in Whitegate. One last try. Shadow Wing seemed slower this time, as if warning me to stay away.
This time I make it all the way to the Bhaflau Thicket zone, which is where I think I'm supposed to go before zoning back into Mamook.
Much to my dismay, I am blocked by a big door. A door which required a key to open. A key which I did not posess.
I decide to cast a spell on a mob past the door, so he can open it for me, and I can run through. It was a good plan.
It was a horrible plan. I cast Dia on the Mamool Something-or-other, and eagerly awaited the door to be opened.
Instead, that son of a bitch killed me through the door, thus ruining my plan entirely.
Death Count: 5 (here I finally de-leveled)
I decided to give up and help a LS member get a key in Garliage. We killed for a while, but no drop. It wasn't a total loss, however:

Mind the mess, I had to change templates because it looked like shit in Internet Explorer. I use Firefox so I never caught it until today. Also, I can't change anything for some reason.
This had made me punchingly angry.
Also, the link-section's link to my website, www.superawesomecarnivalbears.net, doesn't seem to be working. Yargh.
sorry you delevel'd man, but it's a good read. 2 thumbs up from Shmedly
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