Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Way too long.

I wanted to try something new for yesterday's update (which is this update, despite the fact that today is, in fact, today, and very much not yesterday). After spending some time thinking what to do, I (obviously) came up with nothing. I blame not being at work for Labor Day. I always write these things at work, so I can kill two birds with one stone. One bird being the update, and the other bird being finding a way to not do work. Anyways, here the worst poem ever written, about missing the Airship. Enjoy?

Way too long by Pasquale

I log in and check my bird.
The Stables chick says not a word.
Nothing has changed since the night before last,
And frankly, this bird is a pain in the ass.

Dejectedly I sigh, and off I go,
To catch the Airship, and fly to Jeuno.
I zone into Port and what do I see?
The airship is docked, and waiting for me.

As I approached the dock,
I am frozen with shock.
For the Airship, who I thought was waiting for me,
Turned out to be nothing but a tease.

I grumble in anger, and turn on the tv,
It's Pimp My Ride, with X-to-the-Z.
I sigh out loud, disappointed and sad.
At least the nine minutes won't be so bad.

The end.

Yeah, the rhymes are a stretch, but cut me some slack, I didn't have a lot of time, my boss won't get off my back.

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