Ahh the Promies. Or is it Promys? {Hmm.} Everyone knows what they are, although some of us do not know how to spell them.
(Dear Blogspot, {Please use the auto-translator function.}) This weekend I got invited to join a group to attempt to beat Promy Holla and Promy Mea. I was hesitant, as my first attempt at a Promy ended in massive death...
::flashback music::
I was a young lad of lvl32 when Chains of Promathia came out. When it did, everyone was going crazy about doing the missions and blah blah high-level stuff I will never be a part of.
I was seeking in jeuno when i recieved a mysterious /tell.
Player: {Promyvion-Mea} {Do you need it?}
I had no idea what he was talking about, and further investigation proved fruitless:
Pasquale: Um... i don't know what that means.
Player: Its a thing. At Mea. Come with us. It'll be fun.
Lies. Lies and slander. Fun is the last word I would use to describe what happened to us in that hell-hole. But I'm retarted and said yes, and off we went.
It opened with disaster. We zoned into the crystal and our tank lost almost all of his armor.
Tank: LOL! It caps us at 30!
Healer: hahahahahaha. dude you're so going to die.
Pasquale: Why are you laughing? we are totally boned if we get aggro.
As if waiting for his cue, I immediatly got hit from something that looked like it had escaped from the set of
Beetlejuice. We kill it relatively easy, and allowed ourselves to get filled with foolish pride.
Tank: haha! I'm friggin great. Lets kill more!
Pasquale: Well, I guess that wasn't too bad. does anyone know what were supossed to do now?
Healer: lol this is awesome. I'm gunna use Banish like crazy!
Our ranger had a guide and we eventually went up a floor. Our tank died 6 times on that floor, all from "totally being a badass and fighting everything." ...Yeah.
Some how we made it the top floor. Most of us had died several times by now and I didn't want to play anymore. We zoned into a room where our level cap went away.
Tank: YES! My gear!
Ranger: Don't get used to it, apparently the cap comes back at the boss.
Tank: What's the plan?
Ranger: I dunno... I guess we just charge it and all use our two-hours?
Healer: Sounds good. Let go.
Reluctantly I followed my party into the room, where a very angry monster awaited its dinner. As soon as we got in, our whm used Benediction, citing that we said we would all two-hour when we got in. Simply Amazing.
We started fighting, and all kinds of death ensued. Our tank was the first to go, because he had no armor. Next was our healer, because spamming cures is awesome. Our ranger used Eagle Eye Shot, and was immediatly punished. Our monk acctually got a few shots of Hundred-Fists off, all doing a massive 7-9 damage. His death was slow and painful.
This left myself and the other black mage alone with this angry beast, who still had a lot of HP left. The other black mage uses manafont and heals himself, and takes off looking for an exit. All he found was a wall. Never in my life have I seen a stream of obscenities so long and violent. It took up three full lines of party chat.
That left just me. I pulled out my staff and charged, determined not to go out like a bitch. I swing, I miss, I die. We all just kind of sat there, dead and broken. Never before had we been so horribly crushed. I decided I would never try it again.
::fast-forward sounds::
This weekend I got invited to join a group to attempt to beat Promy Holla and Promy Mea. These people had expierence and a plan, so i switched to smn and joined. After spending an hour farming for Animas (I had no idea what the hell these were) we set off, in a much better party set-up: WAR, NIN, WHM, SMN, SMN, SMN.
I quivvered with fear as I entered the crystal, anxiously waiting to see who would be gearless this time. Everyone had everything, so in we went. It was awesome.
We plowed through Holla. When we got to the boss, all three smn used Astral Flow and together we made short work of the mob. We even managed to beat the old record by more than a minute.
While waiting for Astral Flow to reset itself, we farmed for more Animas in Mea. Just being in that crystal brought back horrible memories. When our two-hours were almost reset, we started to plow through Mea as well. It was great, we kicked the shit out of everything. Got to the boss, spammed Astral Flow, and I was soon standing triumphantly over an old nemesis. Yet again, we had broken the record by at least a minute.
Thanks to Dragonan, Rukkia, Iridial, Thefirst, and Akichu for one hell of a Promy run. Or two hells of a promy run? Or is it one hell of promy runs? Eww scratch that last one, 'runs' sounds gross.