Thursday, August 31, 2006

What a load of craft.

Ever since I got FFxi, I knew I was going to be a Summoner. I thought the idea of controlling avatars was awesome, and that it would make me kick more forms of ass than anyone else. Then I started to play SMN and ...well you know. SMN is less than exciting when you only have Carbuncle, and your only party function is to heal and heal some more.

I was excited when I finally hit 20. That meant I could finally fight the elemental avatars and be a badass, like the summoners you see running around, being awesome.

Despite taking more time than i'd care to admit, I got it done. I was awesome again. My next goal was to hit 50, get the Austere set, and look like a homeless badass. I accomplished this goal a week ago, and spent most of my gil buying the Austere Robe, Gloves, and Boots. I didn't think the pants were worth 500k, despite the fact that I am wearing pants that are lvl 29. ::Cough::

But there was no hat in stock. I would check the AH three times a day but I always seemed to miss the one hat sold that day. Desperate, I decided to buy the materials needed and have someone craft my own hat. I managed to get everything but a Velvet Hat in Jeuno, so I took a field trip to Windy to check the AH there.


Bastok was next on my list.

Nothing. I was starting to get worried.

Finally I checked San D'Oria (spelling?) and was yet again dissapointed. I don't know what I was expecting though, Sandy sucks.

So here I was with four-fifths of the materials needed for my own hat. I decided to go one step further and have a Velvet hat crafted.

I head back to Windy and pick up everything I need for a Velvet hat. While on the boat to Jeuno, I noticed someone ClothCrafting, and as luck would have it, she could craft the Velvet hat for me. Yay.

With my shiny new hat in hand, I tried to seek out a Leathercrafter. I want to thank QCDN's crafter list, because that made my search a whole lot easier.

I met FoxFlower in Sandy and she crafted my hat for me. {Excitement} all around. I don't think I've ever used so many /emotes at one time. I put it on and off I went, to show off my awesomeness.

After I logged, I did a some calculations on what my Austere Hat finally cost me. With material costs, travel costs, and tips for both crafters, my total came up to 250,000gil. The Austere Hat sells in the AH for roughly 30,000gil.

This picture to the right represents how much gil I have left.


Anonymous said...

that was tehcoolio d00d i was so there i herd u d3d a bcnm 2o with some lil tawutaru and u guy died viciousleyy well thatts whatta oi wajnted to say

Anonymous said...

That bcnm 20 was fun but we died >.< i dunno when we wanna try it again

Tristam Green said...

The crafter for your Velvet Hat was Stine, my fianceƩ. :) She was very glad to help.