Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Dream Team.

Yesterday, while attempting to raise my fame for Fenrir, I get a /tell from Cythe asking if I wanted to go get the Offering needed for my Carby Mitts. This offering has alluded me on several occasions, so of course I said yes. We met in the Den of Rancor, ran to the Temple, and eventually found the offering.

When I opened the door that housed the offering, a Tonberry and his Light Elemental were standing there, waiting to commit heinous acts on my body. Just before I was finally murderized, I managed to grab the offering, making the whole thing worth it. Thanks, Cythe!

We part ways and immediatly I /shout in Jeuno to gather a group to kill the NM, so I can get my mitts.

Pasquale: {Help me out!} Carbuncle Mitts! Already have offering! {Please listen.}

After twenty minutes of getting no response, I make one tiny little change.

Pasquale: {Help me out!} Carbuncle Mitts! Have Offering! {Reward} {Please}

As soon as I put the word {reward} up, I recieved a flurry of /tells.

Player1: How much?
Player2: Dude Ill do it, how much gil?
Player3: What's the reward?

Vultures. I don't mind paying for help, but its like they were all just sitting... waiting... I /sea all the people who had replied only to find out they were all lvl 20-35, and thus totally useless. I sent them /tells anyways, just in case they had a higher job, but my response was always the same:

Player1: lol no
Player2: Um, have you been to Qufim? That shit is hard.
player3: No, but I'm pretty good. I can probably tank a lvl 75 NM w/o dying. (He was level 20.)

Disheartened, I try again, this time reeling in a 75mnk and a 75thf.

Party lineup:
41smn (me)

Ok, two down, three to go. A few minutes later I get a /tell from a 75drk saying he'll help. Yay!

Party lineup:

??? What what?

Apparently the thf and mnk had disconnected, because they were nowhere to be found. Just then I get a /tell from a 75blm.

Party lineup:

Ok, if those guys came back, I'd be in business. I do some more shouting and I get a /tell from the thf saying they were back. Glee!

Party lineup:

The Drk had logged, without saying anything. But I still felt hope. I was close... so close...

After 15 more minutes of /shouting in all four areas of Jeuno, things were starting to look grim for our hero. Then this happens, and puts the final nail in the coffin.

75mnk: t/ 75thf dude get him to pay up front and lets split.

::awkward silence::

Party lineup:

Right about here I gave up. I thanked the blm for his time, and went back to my mog house, where I began sobbing uncontrolably planning out what I was going to do for the rest of the night.


Anonymous said...

Good writing. :)
I look forward to coming back for more stories!

Carby Mitts is quite easy though. Hit me up in-game if needed, no {Reward}. :D


Anonymous said...

I would like to know the name of that mnk.